It's BCAM Which Means It's Time to Talk About This Saving Grace

Oct 25, 2017

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, two out of three women with invasive cancer are diagnosed after age 55.

Unfortunately in this day-in-age, health insurance alone is not always sufficient. The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) noted over a quarter of U.S. adults with health insurance struggle to pay their medical bills. In fact, KFF found that medical debt is the number one source of personal bankruptcy filings in the United States. What can be done to minimize the devastating blow to our loved ones and clients in the event of a catastrophic illness like breast cancer? One affordable option is life insurance with living benefits and Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a great time to have this discussion.

Life insurance policies with living benefits can help cover medical bills, short-term debts, mortgage payments, and even college education in the event of a loss of income by providing Critical Illness, Chronic Illness, and Terminal Illness Riders. Policyholders diagnosed with breast cancer, can accelerate their death benefit and focus on getting well, rather than the stress that comes from medical expenses.

We can’t predict the future, but we can prepare for the unexpected! If you have any questions about life insurance with living benefits, give Brokers Alliance a call at 480.296.0169. For more information, click here!

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Category: Life Insurance