Help your clients to determine how to get the most from their Social Security benefits.

Social Security Gap Calculator

Help Your Clients Get the Most from their Retirement with the Social Security Gap Calculator

Do your clients worry that they won’t have enough money in retirement? With Brokers Alliance®’s Social Security Gap Calculator, you can help them to determine how to get the most from their Social Security benefits and their other retirement investments in the time before their Social Security payments start rolling in.

  • Bridge the income gap your employees face between now and when higher Social Security benefits kick in
  • Help your clients understand the relationship between taxation and their Social Security benefits
  • Avoid common, costly mistakes pertaining to Social Security
  • Utilize specific strategies for retirees who are divorced or widowed
  • Maximize your clients’ Social Security and other retirement benefits

Click HERE for the Social Security Gap Calculator and more tools on our myAdvisor Cloud (MAC).