Aaron Gravel
Senior Agent Relationship Manager
Helping Insurance Agents provide annuity solutions to their clients and help manage our Annuity Division.
I’m from Southington, CT originally and have lived in AZ since 2009 and have 2 beautiful children Cameryn and Brady.
Joining the Army in 1995 and serving for 8 years.
If at the end of my day I feel exhausted, I know I gave it all.
Tom Brady, because he’s an outstanding father, husband, individual and humble role model for others.
1. Drink Guinness in Ireland. 2. Retire to a Ranch in Montana. 3. Watch my kids grow up.
Johnny Cash - Walk the Line

Cayse Mersch
Senior Life Consultant
Life Brokerage Specialist, I am responsible for case design, case management and some underwriting.
I live in Manhattan, no not that one. Think the polar opposite and you have Manhattan Illinois. I am married to Catherine and have been for 28 years and we have a lovely daughter Rachel, who is 23.
Making it 23 years with this awesome organization.
If I am not sobbing openly I feel I have had a good day. Seriously, if cases get written and paid and no agent is newly disappointed. That is a good day.
Joe Racich. I always take any chance I get to sit down with Joe.
Travel to 1) Australia 2) Dubai and 3) Ireland.
Man of the hour (Pearl Jam) Love that song.

Holly Chin
Senior Life Consultant
Senior Life Consultant. I am responsible for everything pre-application, product knowledge, illustrations, contracting, applications, underwriting, navigating our website, making sure our agents have the tools they need for the sale, etc.
I have lived in IL my entire life, and I love it. I have a wonderful husband, son and dog.
My son is my proudest accomplishment, he is the best part of everyday.
That I finished all the tasks I received throughout the day and that everyone has what they need for the client appointments they have scheduled.
I would want to meet my husband and son at Starbucks, because I love spending as much time as possible with them.
I want to travel to all of the states in the United States, ride in a helicopter, and buy a lake house.
Come With Me Now by the Kongos

Louis Messina
Senior Agent Relationship Manager
Annuity and Life Sales Consultant. My responsibilities are to assist advisors on Product Support and Case Design for both Life Insurance and Annuities.
I grew up in the small town of Fountain Hills where Brokers Alliance is located. Fountain Hills is known for having one of the largest man made fountains in the world and can shoot up to 560 ft in the air. My family and I are very close! My brother and I have lived together since 2010 and just recently sold our property and went our separate ways. We still maintain family dinners weekly to stay close.
My goal for every workday is to leave it all on the table. If I walk away knowing that I did, it was a success.
Mark Cuban and it wouldn't be for coffee…It would be for a beer.
Skydiving, Thailand, and riding a unicorn.
Undisputed - Ludacris Ft. Floyd Mayweather

Parker Adams
Agent Relationship Manager, Exclusive Lines
I am the Marketing Director for our Exclusive, Proprietary Lines Division here at Brokers Alliance.
Arizona Native. Peoria specifically. I have a small tight knit immediate family that means everything to me but have a good amount of relatives in Oklahoma and Texas.
I don’t know if I have one particular accomplishment I am the proudest of. However, my little Brother’s High School Graduation is one of my proudest moments.
I was told along time ago that when it comes to life as long as you are doing the best you can as much as you can, nothing can be considered a failure. So as long as I’ve done the best I can as much as I was able to, I consider the day a success.
My Grandfather, Charles Cramer. He died when I was really young and as a grown man, being a direct descendant, hearing his insight and perspective I feel would be extremely rewarding.
1.World Travel 2.See the Utah Jazz win a NBA World Championship 3.Own a Castle
Citizen Cope ft Carlos Santana - Sideways

Brandon Sabagh
Agent Relationship Manager
Agent Relationship Manager
Born and raised in Novi, MI, a suburb of Detroit.
Funding my schooling by working full time.
By how tired I am. If I'm not drained, I didn't do enough.
Napoleon Bonaparte. He was one of the most influential historical figures and transformed many regions.
Backpack Europe, Build a 7 second car, Snowboard Zermatt.
Rooster by Alice In Chains

Trent Hall
Agent Relationship Manager
Agent Relationship Manager
Born and raised in Sunny San Diego, CA with my Parents and two sisters
Completing a year at Bible College
If I’m tired and gave it everything I have, I know I worked hard and it was a success
I would want to talk with my Grandpa one more time and talk about our family history
Get married, Have kids, Travel the world
Lady (Hear me tonight) (Radio Edit)-by Modjo

Sloane Coleman
Agent Relationship Manager
I’m a part of the sales team as an Agent Relationship Manager! I get to chat with and help agents successfully map out the most ideal path to meet each of their client’s needs.
Born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. I love being in a larger city surrounded by beautiful nature, I hope to raise my own family here one day, too! I am engaged to my high school sweetheart and so excited to get to marry him while surrounded by all our favorite people in late-November of this year.
I know it sounds cliche, but I am so proud of the relationships in my life. I have a great circle of friends that have supported me for years, a big and loving family that has my back through it all, and of course, my soon-to-be husband, Jake, that motivates me more than anything. I feel the relationships you keep say a lot about a person, and I am proud to be represented by the people in my life.
I will put forth as much effort as is needed to solve as many problems as possible, so as long as I have made someone’s day easier, I am happy.
I think I would have to put my Nana in a room with Julie Andrews… they are too similar for me to believe they may not be the same person. Plus, who wouldn’t want to hear the angelic voice that made ‘the Hills come alive’?!
My bucket list has many levels- some are easily attainable, others may take some work to reach, haha. I want to travel the world with my soon-to-be husband (10 different countries before having children, ideally), become a GREAT drummer, and my biggest goal is to start a big, happy family to share my successes with.
Let it happen- Tame Impala

Ashley Kowalski
Agent Relationship Manager
Agent Relationship Manager
I was born in South Bend, Indiana where I still have family and visit. I was raised in and still live in Clearwater Florida with my daughter.
The birth of my daughter for sure, second would be my Juijistu tournament absolute belt. I was the first woman at my gym to win one and competed against advanced ranks as a white belt.
If I accomplished what I set out to at the beginning of the day.
Gina Carano, because her story inspired me to realize I am capable of anything I set my mind to. Plus she’s awesome.
Traveling the world first Iceland, Ireland, Scotland, England. Second, travel the U.S. with my family and explore national parks. Third, to publish my book.
Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey