The Executive Team

David Racich
President & CEO
To oversee the day to day operations and overall strategies of the business.
I was raised in the south suburbs of Chicago by two school teachers until we moved as a family to Arizona in 1994. I’d like to think I maintain the morals and values instilled in me while growing up in the midwest. I have one younger sister who I am still very close with and we are both now raising our kids together in AZ.
Graduating college top in my class.
I was a success if I made a difference that day. Whether it be a difference to the company or to a member of our team, having a positive effect is what makes me feel successful.
My Grandpa Joe Spinozzi” or as we all called him, Pep. I was an unapologetic and take-everything-apart little Italian boy, and my Grandpa was a tough war veteran. He would see my loud antics and always said to me, “Who will you be when you grow up? You’re crazy!” Even though I was an opposite to my Grandfather, he and I were the closest. He passed away when I was in 8th grade, and by the age of 19 I had started my first company. I would always say before I fell asleep, in my prayers “I wish you could see me now Grandpa - I wish you could see what I am building. I know you would be proud!” He taught me patience, perseverance, and discipline.
Travel. Live close enough to the ocean to where I can hear and see it. Watch my children grow old, get to meet their grandchildren and their children
Rise and Shine, Give God the glory!

Charles Truhlar
Chief Distribution Officer
Chief Distribution Officer Responsible for distribution, operations, and sales
Manhattan, Illinois. 8 brothers and 3 sisters - 12 in all! I opted for a smaller version with 4 sons and 1 daughter. For me that was plenty…
Locking down my wife...what a catch!
Did I make someone’s life better? I live my life by my motto…”I’m not here to make everyone happy, but to make them better”.
Jesus Christ. Arguably the most influential and controversial human that ever lived throughout history.
Chef School, Cafe tour (where I play music and perform in little venues for a few months straight while doing nothing else!), and attend the Phoenix Open (checking this one off in February!)
Go Your Own Way - Fleetwood Mac

Jillian Ancona
Director of Case Management
Director of Case Management
I come from Dix Hills, NY where I lived with my mom, dad, and older brother until I was 18. Since then we’ve all been in Boca Raton, Florida.
My proudest accomplishment are my two children Emily and Jaxson.
If my command center is clear, emails are at zero, and all calls are returned, I am good to go.
My Grandma Rose because she was the most loving, caring, sweetest person and I miss her every day
Disney Cruise, RV trip from coast to coast (Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean), eat at one of Gordon Ramsey’s restaurants.
Star by Bryan Adams

Tayler Gamboa
Director of Finance
Director of Finance - I manage the accounting and commission division and the reporting of financial data.
I am from Heber/Overgaard, AZ located a few hours East of Fountain Hills in the White Mountains on the Mogollon Rim. I actually lived the first few years of my life in Fountain Hills and was lucky enough to come back where my family all is and work at Brokers Alliance.
I have a hard time being proud of myself, because I am always looking at the next big thing to accomplish and don’t look back.
I set expectations for myself every day and what I need to accomplish, knocking all those off the list before the end of the day and doing even more is a successful day. I feel successful when I also help make others succeed with their day.
My mom’s grandpa. Everyone in my family talks about what a great man he was, he passed away while my mom was pregnant with me.
Travel around the world, of course! 1. Italy 2. Australia 3. Ireland
“America’s Sweetheart” Elle King

Shaon Shamsul
Director of Operations
Director of Operations. I live, breathe, and dream about reporting… or as they refer to it in the streets, snitching.
Columbus, Ohio is not only home of THE Ohio State University, but also Lil Bow Wow! I’m the eldest in a family of 5, although I look and act the youngest.
Getting retweeted by Lil Kim. Second would be being a first generation college grad.
If Charles is smiling at me. I’m not kidding.
I would meet Hillary Clinton in 2009 and tell her not to delete her emails.
Owning a vicious rottweiler who is only nice to me, landing in the main cast of a reality tv show and/or scripted comedy, and being told “you look great for your age!”
Moonlight Sonata, of course!

Alexander Farnsworth
Director of Sales
Director of Sales
Born and raised in Chandler, AZ. I married my Highschool sweetheart and we just celebrated our nine year wedding anniversary in 2020. We have four children that keep us on our toes and constantly laughing. It truly takes a village to raise children, and we are very grateful for the community that we live in.
Marrying my best friend and having the opportunity to raise our children in our hometown. My family is my passion!
When I am able to use my abilities to affect those around me positively. I hold to the truth that “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” - Will Durant
Alexander the Great. My namesake has always intrigued me. Tutored by Aristotle at the age of thirteen, he went on to create one of the largest empires of the ancient world by the time he was thirty. Alexander not only was undefeated in battle, he grew to become one of the most influential people in history.
1. Attending and watching the Arizona Cardinals win their first SuperBowl
2. Fly fishing trip to Glacier National Park in Montana
3. Fly on a commercial trip to outer space
“The Rising” by Bruce Springsteen

Joe Racich
I have been deemed the title “ADVISOR”. It was Senior Advisor but since I was the only one I didn’t want everyone to think Senior was referring to OLD.
Born and raised in the Steel Town of Gary, Indiana. My dad, after he graduated from High School, worked in the Steel Mill all his life. My mom had an important job that she was fantastic at. During those days her title was, “Housewife”. During WWII she worked in the Steel Mill as a Tin Flipper. I have two older sisters who are both beautiful and loving.
Raising David and Kristy and watching them grow up to be fine upstanding individuals who have become excellent parents and spouses.
My workday today is much more different than back in the day. Growing up in a Blue Collar home putting in a hard day's work was in my blood BUT being able to get home and spend time with my kids made all the hard work a success. Be it, Little League and Softball, Basketball or Volleyball was important to me to be there for them.
I never met my Grandparents so I think that would be awesome to meet them and talk to them about so many things. I don’t think we would understand each other as they all just spoke Croatian. But if it were possible I am sure GOD would translate.
I have accomplished many of them already so probably what’s left revolves around playing golf in the 70’s; keep playing the guitar so others could actually figure out what I am playing, and spending more time with my grandkids as they get older.
The Allman Brothers instrumental song, Jessica.