BA Blog

myAdvisor Cloud, Agent Solutions

The Top 10 Mistakes Life Insurance Call Centers Make & How Brokers Alliance Avoids Committing Them

This article highlights call center sales pitfalls and solutions offered by Brokers Alliance. Warns against over-reliance on drop tickets, emphasizes tailored underwriting, and stresses tech tools for sales facilitation. Brokers Alliance provides training, diverse products, and myAdvisor Cloud for agent support, aiming for long-term success.
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Life Insurance

Asset Elevation: Taking Legacy Outcomes to New Heights

Do you have clients between 60 and 75 years old? Do they own deferred annuities they don’t actually need to meet their retirement goals? Do they want to pass on as much of their wealth as possible to their beneficiaries? Chances are, the answer to all three of these questions is YES. And in that case, we have the perfect strategy for you.
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Life Insurance

Introducing the New GUL (...that isn't a GUL at all!)

In today’s low interest rate environment, with increased reserving requirements, guaranteed universal life is starting to disappear from the shelf. In fact, many carriers are opting to simply get out of the GUL game. There’s only one true solution that accounts for almost every aspect of this dilemma; read more and find out what it is!
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Life Insurance

Executive Benefits, Meet Universal Life Solutions

Are you in the executive benefits market? If not, you should be. Whether you already work with executive benefits or are looking to get started, we’ve got exactly what you need to open up this lucrative market, and it’s something you already use every day: universal life.
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Life Insurance

Economic Outlook 2021 with BlackRock: Exclusive Webinar!

When it comes to the state of the economy going into a new year, there are more factors to take into consideration in 2021 than ever before. Between an unprecedented global pandemic, changes in the US political landscape, and the effects of such current events on the market, there’s a troublesome lack of certainty as to what will become of our economy. But as always, Brokers Alliance has your back. Read more and find out how!
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Life Insurance

Give the Gift of Certainty...and Get Ahead in 2021!

This time of year, everyone wants to feel warm and secure. We want to sit by the fireplace with our loved ones and be content knowing that we and ours are well taken care of. These past several months have been especially tumultuous, and as we near the end of this year in particular, many people -- your clients included -- are looking for solutions that provide them with certainty.
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We Got You Present(ation)s!

myAdvisorCloud itself is a year-round, much-deserved gift from Brokers Alliance to you. This week, we’re highlighting the gift that keeps on giving: the myAdvisorCloud Consumer Presentations app!
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Life Insurance

You're Invited: Term Insurance and Instant Gratification are getting hitched!

The concepts of continuous innovation, groundbreaking creativity, and technological development are the very foundation of Brokers Alliance. In our diligent pursuit of this progress, we’re bringing you the cutting edge of insurance today: instant decision insurance.
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Life Insurance

Saving the Day 201: The Inflation Calculator

So you’ve got your client on the phone, and you’ve gone through a bene check with them. What now? A beneficiary check alone won’t protect them from market volatility or the effects of inflation. It’s time to take them through the second step of your Brokers Alliance Saving the Day course: the Inflation Rate Calculator.
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Life Insurance

Saving the Day 101: The Bene Check

We’re nearing the end of a tumultuous year. You’ve felt the impacts of current events on your own life, and your clients have, too. If only you could help them prepare for their financial futures by taking them through two simple steps. Oh, wait. You totally can. Grab your sturdiest dinner plate and dust off the wooden sword you got at Medieval Times five years ago, because you’re about to be your clients’ knight in shining armor.
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