Legacy Planning

Jan 15, 2016

You’ve spent countless hours, year after year, working to build a good life and provide for your family. You deserve peace of mind, and so do your dependents. As you reflect on your future and the legacy you wish to leave for your children and grandchildren and their children after them, what comes to mind? There are several ways in which you can plan to leave your estate to your loved ones after you’re gone. But if you wish to control how much you leave and to whom in a manner that is unlikely to contribute to drama in the wake of your passing, life insurance is a great way to leave a financial legacy.

Unlike many forms of estate planning, death benefits from universal life insurance policies are tax-exempt. They can grow in value over time, and their distribution is guaranteed. In short, universal life insurance is a smart way to build and preserve your legacy. To learn more about your universal life insurance options, the role they can play in building your legacy, and their various other advantages, call Brokers Alliance at (800) 290-7226.

Category: Life Insurance